Mortgage blogs: 1) Fixed vs. Variable Mortgages: Which One Fits Your Style Choosing between a fixed-rate and a variable-rate mortgage can feel like deciding between comfort and risk-taking. Both options have their pros and cons, and what works for someone else might not work for you. Let me break it down, with a couple of relatable stories and a table …
Test for Tax well being
“`html What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is essentially placeholder text used in the printing and typesetting sector. It has served as the standard dummy text for the industry since the 1500s, originating when an unidentified printer mixed up a type galley to create a specimen book. Over the years, it has endured over five centuries and transitioned into electronic …
Navigating the Tax Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for Digital Marketing Businesses in Australia
“`html In the fast-changing realm of digital marketing, businesses—ranging from large agencies to solo freelancers—are harnessing online platforms to connect with their target audiences. However, while developing captivating campaigns and examining performance metrics, it is essential to comprehend the tax obligations specific to digital marketing within Australia. This guide explores the key tax considerations for digital marketing enterprises operating in …
Navigating the Tax Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for Digital Marketing Businesses in Australia
“`html In the fast-changing realm of digital marketing, businesses—ranging from large agencies to solo freelancers—are harnessing online platforms to connect with their target audiences. However, while developing captivating campaigns and examining performance metrics, it is essential to comprehend the tax obligations specific to digital marketing within Australia. This guide explores the key tax considerations for digital marketing enterprises operating in …
Navigating the Tax Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for Digital Marketing Businesses in Australia
“`html In the fast-changing realm of digital marketing, businesses—ranging from large agencies to solo freelancers—are harnessing online platforms to connect with their target audiences. However, while developing captivating campaigns and examining performance metrics, it is essential to comprehend the tax obligations specific to digital marketing within Australia. This guide explores the key tax considerations for digital marketing enterprises operating in …
Navigating the Tax Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide for Digital Marketing Businesses in Australia
“`html In the fast-changing realm of digital marketing, businesses—ranging from large agencies to solo freelancers—are harnessing online platforms to connect with their target audiences. However, while developing captivating campaigns and examining performance metrics, it is essential to comprehend the tax obligations specific to digital marketing within Australia. This guide explores the key tax considerations for digital marketing enterprises operating in …
Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024
“`html Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024 In the current digital landscape, online marketing has become a fundamental element for businesses that wish to excel in a competitive market. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just beginning, grasping the intricacies of online marketing is essential for driving growth, engaging customers, and attaining long-term success. …
Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024
“`html Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024 In the current digital landscape, online marketing has become a fundamental element for businesses that wish to excel in a competitive market. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just beginning, grasping the intricacies of online marketing is essential for driving growth, engaging customers, and attaining long-term success. …
Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024
“`html Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024 In the current digital landscape, online marketing has become a fundamental element for businesses that wish to excel in a competitive market. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just beginning, grasping the intricacies of online marketing is essential for driving growth, engaging customers, and attaining long-term success. …
Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024
“`html Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024 In the current digital landscape, online marketing has become a fundamental element for businesses that wish to excel in a competitive market. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just beginning, grasping the intricacies of online marketing is essential for driving growth, engaging customers, and attaining long-term success. …
Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024
“`html Unlocking Success: The Comprehensive Guide to Online Marketing in 2024 In the current digital landscape, online marketing has become a fundamental element for businesses that wish to excel in a competitive market. Whether you are an experienced entrepreneur or just beginning, grasping the intricacies of online marketing is essential for driving growth, engaging customers, and attaining long-term success. …
“`html In today’s rapidly changing environment, proper nutrition is more important than ever. With a myriad of diet trends and conflicting messages, grasping the core principles of nutrition can empower you to make educated decisions that improve your health and overall well-being. This guide explores the fundamental elements of nutrition, its advantages, and practical advice on how to integrate a …
Test post as of 21/10/2024
“`html Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example Example What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply placeholder text used in the printing and typesetting industries. It has served as the industry’s standard dummy text since the 1500s, originating when an unknown printer scrambled a galley of type to create a type specimen book. Its …
A test post 181024 1106AM
“`html Investment Property Tax: Advantages, Costs, and Key Considerations If you’re contemplating investing in property, it’s crucial to comprehend the tax implications. In Australia, similar to many regions globally, owning an investment property can present potential tax advantages as well as costs. Understanding deductions available for interest payments and holding costs, along with the intricacies of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) …
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Div 7a Loans and Deceased Estate
Late in 2020 we were engaged by new clients, a family of three siblings whose mother had recently passed away, to perform their accounting and taxation work. Their Father had passed away a few years earlier and consequently they inherited various property investment companies. A number of these Companies had Division 7A loans owing, amounting to a substantial sum. Their …
Is This Payment Tax-Free?
A client has terminated two builder employees as the next stage of the development is being outsourced to a contracted building company. One employee was on a fixed-term contract which ended. The other began with the company on 23/11/15, and the final date is 31/3/2022. This entitles him to pro-rata Long Service Leave. The company is part of a group …
Division 7a Loan Agreement
A company makes a loan to an associate. Where there is a complying Div 7A loan agreement is the interest expense to the associate tax deductible? Answer The fundamental test for deductibility of interest as consistently applied by the Courts is the “use” test… meaning to the use to which the funds have been put. If the associate has used …
Company Tax Return
The proprietary company (A) is a sole shareholder of another company (B), which runs a retail business. Company A does not run the business but will receive the dividend from company B in future if B has a profit to distribute. There is no plan for company A to run other business or to earn other income other than future …
Sale of Rental Property
I’m in the process of preparing to sell a rental property and over the years have been claiming depreciation on the building and plant and equipment. It would appear that I need a clause in the sale contract to specify how much of the sales proceeds relate to buildings and plant and equipment in order to calculate a balancing adjustment …
Personal Services Income
We are a member of your service, and I have a question regarding the attribution of PSI. The PSE is not a PSB, and the attribution rules apply. If the PSE is a company or a trust, do the payments made to the personal services provider have to be classified as “salary and wages”? Or can it then be accounted …
Deceased Estate
The company has one shareholder who passed away on 4.6.2018. The shareholder was changed from the deceased to a shareholder, being one of the beneficiaries. On the advice given, a dividend was declared 26.6.2020 and paid to the Estate 6.8.2020. At the same time, the Estate paid 30% and 40% of the dividend to 2 beneficiaries, and the three beneficiaries …
Tax Position – Family Trust
I have a client who has a discretionary family trust that owns a large share portfolio that generates fully franked dividends each year. No Family Tax Election (FTE) has been prepared or lodged. The two beneficiaries are husband and wife. Since the 2011 financial year, I have allocated $50000 of fully franked income to their wife. The ATO has issued …
Rural Property Sale/Purchase
Rural property “Carrol” purchased by my father 1924, left to my mother, brother and me not know by me 1976 – left to my two sisters by mother 1983, handled by a solicitor. I purchased from sister 2002- for $82,000. I am selling the property now – $1.5 mil. As it has been from one family member to another, are …
Distribution to Beneficiaries
Family Trust has a Profit of $ 13,824 + Capital Gain $ 4,728 = $ 18,552 Less Cash Flow Boost Non-Accessible ($ 18,908) = ($ 356) L. The Gain is subject to a 50% Discount. As there is a loss, is there no distribution to Beneficiaries? Or do I have to remove the Gain from the equation and distribute the …
Medicare Surcharge
A client has a Medicare levy exemption for 339 days. Being a foreign resident and not entitled to Medicare. His taxable income is $190,000 for the whole year. He has no private health insurance. Is he liable for the Medicare levy surcharge? Answer If he is subject to the Medicare levy for only 26 days, the same should apply to …
Self-Education Costs
I have a quick question. Can international students on a student visa claim self-education costs or only when their visa status changes to temporary or permanent? My client has been told by her friends that she can claim her fees, and I said no because she is not working as a nurse, only a personal carer. Only when she starts …
Cost Base Calculation
A married couple purchased a house in Carlton for $481,750 (incl. stamp duty) On 10/8/2000, this house was their PPR until 10/8/ 2010. At that time, they sold a 65% share of the Carlton property to their son and his partner for $550,000. The married couple purchased another property that became their new PPR, which they are still living in. …
Rural Property – Future Set Up
I intend to purchase 200 acres of rural residential property within two years. Hopefully, the family will sell it off in 20 acre lots in 10 – 15 years. My idea is to register Ltd Company to our discretionary trust- holding seven-way membership – 10% self, 20% each for my son and daughter and 12.5% each for 4 X grandchildren. What …
Calculating CGT Liabilities
Can I please get your assistance in this complex matter as my client is considering selling a property he acquired from his father? In this case, my client, the son, entered an agreement with his father to be added on to his father’s principal residency property “title” back in 2011 for $130,000. My client already owned another property at the …